59th Annual Vancouver Island
"AAA" Boys' Basketball
Feb. 26-28, 2009 - Mt. Douglas Secondary, Victoria BC
Game 12
Saturday Feb. 28, 2009
Scheduled start time: 8:00 p.m.
Actual start time: 8:04 p.m.
Dover Bay - N2 Winner Game 7
Cowichan - N1 Winner Game 8
Referees: Al Duddridge
Jamie Clegg
1st Quarter: Dover Bay  11-8 3rd Quarter: Cowichan  2-10
2nd Quarter: Tied  9-9 4th Quarter: Dover Bay  13-8
1st half: Dover Bay  20-17 2nd half: Cowichan  15-18
Overtime: Dover Bay  10-5
Final Score:  45-40 OT   Dover Bay
High scorers for Dover Bay:
Clayton Billett 14
High scorers for Cowichan:
Jordan Pendlebury 15
Rulon Schmidt 11
Steve McKinnon 10
Running Score:
:00 - Dover Bay - ISLAND CHAMPS - 45-40
Cowichan with several trys near the hoop - all miss
and 2nd
:10 - Dover fouls Hobden - misses his 1st
Cowichan has the ball at centre
:15 - Time-out Cowichan
Corcoran makes 1 - Dover Bay up 45-40
Corcoran shooting 2 - Dover up 44-40
Cowichan foul on Hobden
Cowichan turnover
:29 - Dover for 2
Sweat on the floor has been an ongoing problem - several times it has been cleaned up
:40 - 20 to go on the 30 - refs stop the game to clear sweat from around the foul line - Dover ball
Pendlebury misses from under the hoop
1:00 to go
Dover is called for travelling
Dover boards a Cowichan miss
1:32 - Dover knocks it out - 6 on the shot clock
1:57 to go
Cowichan misses - Billett boards - Pendlebury is pressing?  He fouls Billett - makes one - DB 42-40
2:25 - Travelling on Billett
2:43 - Pendlbury with a big drop-step - makes the bucket and is fouled - misses the shot - DB 41-40
3:02 - Cowichan fouls - Billett shooting 2 - makes 1 - DB 41-38
Cowichan responds for a lay-up - DB 40-38
3:42 - Billett shaking and baking - pulls back and hits a 17' jumper
4:01 - Neilson fouls out - McKinnon shooting 2 - makes 1 - DB 38-36
McKinnon striped - Dover misses the transition bucket - McKinnon boards
Cowichan misses - ball goes out off of Dover - Cowichan retains possession
Dover drains a 3 - DB 38-35
Dover has the ball
:00 - Dan Hobden gets wide open from 18' - jumper… misses
:03 - Time-out Dover Bay - Cowichan will have the ball on the baseline, 15' from the hoop
:03 - Pendlebury gets the ball - turns to go to the hoop - is fouled by Neilson (his 4th) - is Dover's 4th
:04 - Cowichan has the ball opposite their bench - foul line extended for the inbounds
:04 - Time-out Cowichan - game tied at 35
:04 - Cowichan misses - Dover rebounds - Dover turns it over and a bad outlet pass - Cowichan ball
:28 - Dover turnover
:47 - Cowichan misses
1:06 - Weak cross-court pass stolen by Schmidt
1:06 - Dover Bay has the ball at centre after the time-out
1:06 - Time-out Dover Bay
1:06 - Neilson called for goaltending on a Pendlebury shot - was falling in anyway - tied at 35
1:16 - Trevor Davidson at the line for Dover - makes 1 of 2 - DB 35-33
1:16 - Dover turns it over - Kline fouls - his 5th
1:33 - Time-out Cowichan - DB 34-33 - Cowichan has the ball at centre after the time-out
1:33 - Dover boards the 2nd foul shot but are in early and are called for the violation
1:34 - Kline with his 4th personal - Billett makes 1 of 2 - DB 34-33
Dover misses a 3 and gets their own board
2:12 - Corcoran fouls McKinnon - he makes 1 - tie game at 33
Billett steals a bad pass from Pendlebury - misses the lay-up - Neilson trailing gets the easy tip-in
2:35 - CowHi 32-31
Dover misses - Cowichan boards
Pendlebury forces it - scrum for the ball - Dover comes up with it - Cowichan fouls
Billett steals it and then loses his balance and falls out of bounds, with the ball, under the hoop
Corcoran takes it hard to the whole - CowHi 32-31
4:03 - McKinnon runs out of options… so he shoot from just inside the 3 and hits it - CowHi 32-29
Neilson fouls Pendlbury while rebounding a Dover miss
Neilson blocks Pendlebury
Neilson blocked inside - Cowichan ball
5:21 - Schmidt with a huge 3 for Cowichan - CowHi 30-29
Corcoran flies through the air for a board - Dover turns it over in the half-court
Turnover Dover Bay
6:21 - 30-second violation on Cowichan - Time-out Cowican
Dover misses - Cowichan boards
Neilson grabs it - has it knocked loose - Ball goes right to Corcoran
7:27 - Dover Bay foul
Dover misses 3 times - tips in the fourth - DB 29-27
Corcoran blocks McKinnon
8:25 - Neilson boards - Pendlebury fouls him - Neilson makes 1 of 2 and ties it at 27
8:27 - Castro called for the block on his 3rd foul - Bouma gets the hoop and the foul - misses the shot
Neilson boards a Cowichan miss
Dover throws it away - Cowichan ball
Dover for 2 - CowHi 27-24
Cowichan fouls
Cowichan misses - Dover boards
Cowichan ball to start
:00 - At the end of 3 quarters - Cowichan leads 27-22
:00 - Board goes long, Dover recovers but runs out of time to shoot
:04 - Dover's Luke Bouma misses a three
:05 - Kline with a foul
:32 - Pendlebury is called for travelling - Dover ball
Dover misses again
Both teams miss
Dover saves the ball under their own hoop - goes right to Schmidt for an 18' jumper - CowHi 27-22
Dover misses - melee for the ball… out of bounds off of Corcoran - Cowichan ball
2:37 - Dover foul - Pendlebury shooting 2 - misses both
Dover turns it over - Cowichan breaks - Corcoran blocks Kline on a break-away
3:36 - Pendlebury blows by his check for an easy lay-up - CowHi 25-22
Dover misses
McKinnon for 2  and the lead!  CowHi 23-22
4:44 - Clouthier with his 3rd foul
Cowichan misses - Nelison can't hang on and it goes out of bounds - Cowichan gets the ball back
Dover Bay foul
McKinnon for Cowichan - DB 22-21
5:45 - Kline gets to the rim as the 30 sounds but it rolls off then is knocked out of bounds by Dover
Turnover Dover Bay
Dover misses thrice - then there's a tie up - possession Dover Bay
Cowichan steals it
Cowichan misses
7:20 Turnover Dover - tie up - possession Cowichan
Schmidt banks in a 19' jumper - DB 22-19
Corcoran for Dover Bay! - DB 22-17
Teams trade misses
Neilson blocked by Pendlebury
Dover starts with the ball - misses - then fouls on the rebound - Cowichan ball
:00 - Cowichan boards - Defense rules as Dover Bay is up 20-17 at the half
:02 - Dover misses their shot
:11 - Dover deflects the inbounds pass and it goes off a Cowichan player out of bounds near centre
:13 - Time-out Dover Bay
Teams come out and set up
:13 - Time-out Cowichan
:13 - Dover knocks the ball out - Cowichan has the ball under Dover's hoop
Billett misses a 3 as the 30 runs out
1:01 - Cowichan with a 30-second violation - DB 20-17
Neilson misses a 15' jumper
Castro with a travel - Dover ball
Neilson misses 2 tip-ins
Billett with a big crow-hop across the key and hits the jump shot from 10' - DB 20-17
Kline air-balls a trey
3:20 - Clouthier shooting makes his foul shot to finish off the 3-point play - DB 18-17
Dan Hobden is blocked by Neilson - Dover takes it the other way for the hoop and the harm
Billett misses a 3 - Corcoran tips the rebound back to Billett
Dover misses - Corcoran fouls Pendlebury - Pendlebury makes 2 from the line - CowHi 17-15
Cowican misses a 3 with time running out on the 30
Dover for 2 - tie game at 15
5:46 - Schmidt with a foul
5:58 - Billett takes a charge from Kline - no basket
Dover misses
Schmidt is no good from the line - CowHi 15-13
Schmidt shooting one when teams come back
6:37 - Time-out Dover Bay
6:37 - Neilson fouls Cowichan's Rulon Schmidt - bucket is good
McKee fouls Pendlebury - 3-point play is good - game tied at 13
7:29 - Dover's Jason McKee for a deep 2
Cowichan fouls going after their own rebound
Billett loses the handle and the ball goes out of bounds
Cowichan turnover
Foul on Dover Bay
Turnover Dover Bay
Cowichan for 2 - DB 11-10
9:26 - Marc Castro misses - Pendlebury boards, misses, boards and is fouled
Cowichan inbounds to start the 2nd
:00 - Clouthier drains a deep 3 at the buzzer - Dover Bay 11-8 after 1
:11 - Cowichan for 2 - tied at 8
Dover misses - Cowichan boards
Kline blocked as the 30-second clock expires - turnover - Dover Bay gets possession
Dover misses a 3 - Kline rebounds
Kline misses
Cowichan misses - out of bounds off of Dover
Dover gets nothing but air… Cowichan ball
2:34 - Pendlebury for 2 - DB 8-6
2:48 - McKinnon gets his 2nd foul - Corcoran goes the line - makes 1 - DB 8-4
Cowichan steals it - misses two around the hoop - then fouls - Chris Kline the guilty party - Dover ball
Cowichan misses - Dover doesn't - DB 7-4
4:05 - Dover's Jordan Church with a foul
4:11 - Josh Clouthier with the foul for Dover Bay
4:30 - Mike Corcoran in transition for Dover - DB 5-4
4:45 - teams again trade misses
Teams trade misses
Neilson hits a three as the 30 runs low but is called for travelling - no basket
Cowichan turnover
McKinnon fouls Neilson - Neilson misses his 1st!  AND HIS 2ND!!
Steve McKinnon misses  a 3 - Cowichan boards and puts it in - CowHi 4-3
Billett for 3 - Dover 3-2
Cowichan misses twice - Dover rebounds
Clayton Billett gets stuffed by Cowichan's Jordan Pendlebury
Josh Clouthier with the board for Dover
Neilson with the offensive foul
Neilson tips it into his own hoop - 2-0 Cowichan
Dover wins the tip - Ted Neilson misses a trey - Cowichan boards